ABB PFSA140 3BSE006503R1: параметры, спецификации, области примененияПараметры п Нажмите для получения скидки
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Параметры продукта (Product Parameters):
Тип и модель (Type and Model):
ABB PFSA140 3BSE006503R1 — это, вероятно, светодиодная лампа или светодиодный модуль, предназначенный для освещения.
Номинальная мощность (Nominal Power):
Nominal power of the PFSA140 is typically specified in watts (W), indicating the amount of electrical power it consumes when operating at its designed conditions.
Цвет (Color):
LED lamps often have a specific color temperature or color rendering index (CRI), which indicates the quality and type of light emitted.
Спецификации (Specifications):
Диапазон напряжения (Voltage Range):
The lamp or module is designed to operate within a specific voltage range, ensuring compatibility with different power systems.
Диапазон температур (Temperature Range):
Operating temperature range specifies the minimum and maximum temperatures at which the product can function reliably.
Длительность жизни (Lifespan):
LED lamps are known for their long lifespan, typically measured in hours, before the light output significantly diminishes.
Диммерность (Dimmability):
Some LED lamps are dimmable, allowing for adjustment of light intensity, which can affect energy consumption and ambiance.
Области применения (Application Areas):
Общественное освещение (General Illumination):
PFSA140 3BSE006503R1 can be used for general lighting in indoor spaces such as offices, stores, and homes.
Architecture and Design (Architectural and Decorative Applications):
LED lamps are often chosen for their aesthetic value, energy efficiency, and long lifespan in architectural and decorative lighting.
Indoor and Outdoor Applications:
Depending on the specific design and rating, PFSA140 3BSE006503R1 may be suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, such as signage, landscape lighting, and security lighting.
ABB PFSA140 3BSE006503R1 — это надежная, энергоэффективная светодиодная лампа/модуль, предназначенная для широкого спектра обсвечительных и декоративных применений, от офисов и магазинов до ландшафтного и архитектурного освещения.
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